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Use method and daily maintenance of feed pellet machine

The complete set of feed processing equipment mainly consists of feed mills, feed mixers, feed pelletizers, pellet packaging machines and other equipment. In the entire feed production unit, various types of equipment should be reasonably arranged according to the actual needs of users, so that all equipment It can fully exert its due production capacity, and at the same time, the correct use and daily maintenance of equipment can improve production efficiency. The following describes the use and maintenance of the feed pellet machine equipment.

1. Matters needing attention during pellet machining

a. The material must be quenched and tempered before granulation. The pressure of the steam must be stable at 4-8bar, and the steam must be dewatered before tempering. If the steam contains a large amount of water, it will cause blockage of the granulation. After the material is tempered and tempered, it has been matured to a certain extent, which can significantly improve the utilization of nutrients in the feed.

b. During the granulation process, the humidity and temperature of the material should be checked frequently. The method of checking the humidity is as follows: After lightly pinching by hand, the material can form lumps. The temperature should be different depending on the type of granulation, and should be stably controlled between 75-95℃.

c. The cooling of the granulated particles must not be too fast or insufficient. If the cooling is too fast, the surface of the material particles will be cracked, the cooling is not enough, and the temperature is too high, which will cause the material to absorb moisture and cause mold. The cooled material should be consistent with room temperature.

2. Correct operation and maintenance of the pellet machine

a. Adjustment of the gap between the ring die and the pressing roller For the adjustment of the gap between the new ring die and the pressure roller, the highest point of the ring die and the pressure roller should be slightly contacted, and the pressure roller should be in a "like rotating but not rotating" state. If it is adjusted in the working state, the pressure of the ring die and the pressure roller can be increased appropriately, but it must be adequate. The gap between the ring die and the pressure roller is too large, and the pressure roller cannot rotate, causing machine blockage. If the gap between the ring die and the pressure roller is too small, it will increase the wear of the ring die and the pressure roller, increase the load, and cause serious damage to the ring die and the pressure roller. Check the gap between the ring die and the pressure roller in time, at least every four working hours. When adjusting each pressure roller, pay attention to the adjustment direction of each pressing roller. The sum of the torque of each pressing roller relative to the axis of the granulator should be zero, so that the granulator is not affected by asymmetric force.

b. Maintain the pellet machine. Every shift should be checked before the shift, check the transmission components, instruments, valves, fill the lubricant Jg with lithium-based lubricant, and remove the iron filings on the iron.

c. Correctly install or replace the ring die and pressure roller. Generally, the new mold is equipped with a new roller, and the old mold is equipped with an old roller, so that the surface shape of the ring die and the pressure roller is close to the profiling state, and the gap between each part of the ring die and the pressure roller is approximately the same. In this way, the force and discharge of the entire ring die are very uniform, which can improve production efficiency. After the granulation is completed, oily materials are required to be pressed into the die hole to ensure that the die hole is not corroded. The maintenance of the carbon steel ring die must be more careful.



Contact: Mr.Roger

Phone: +86 15161878302

E-mail: Sales@yzgrainfeed.com

Whatsapp:+86 15161878302

Add: No. 150 Shugang East Road, Hanjiang District, Yangzhou,Jiangsu,China