Welcome: Yangzhou Grainfeed Machinery Co;Ltd
Sales@yzgrainfeed.com +86 15161878302

Pet Food Milling Project Solutions

Grainfeed acknowledge and understand how trends in the pet industry impact the design of pet food processing solutions. We took great care over many years developing technologies and equipment meeting and exceeding the growing demands of the global petfood industry. We take time consulting with customers to ensure we fully understand customer requirements and more specifically requirements of the specific market the customer is serving. We do not promote or apply a “standard” Petfood Plant design and each project is assessed on its own merits.


Pet Food Milling Project Solutions

Grainfeed acknowledge and understand how trends in the pet industry impact the design of pet food processing solutions. We took great care over many years developing technologies and equipment meeting and exceeding the growing demands of the global petfood industry. We take time consulting with customers to ensure we fully understand customer requirements and more specifically requirements of the specific market the customer is serving. We do not promote or apply a “standard” Petfood Plant design and each project is assessed on its own merits.